Each must have a credit line of origin (“Photograph taken by...,”or “Image taken from...,”
or “Graph/Chart/Table taken from. . . .”). If it is from a magazine, newspaper, journal, etc., a complete reference
credit line must be attached for each one. If a graph, chart or table is from the Internet, a complete URL and date
accessed must be included for each one. “Google search” or “Wikipedia” are not sufficient credit references. If all photographs,
etc. are from the same source, one credit prominently and vertically displayed is sufficient. If all images, photos, graphs, and charts
being displayed were taken or created by the finalist or are from the same source, one credit line prominently and vertically
displayed on the backboard/poster or tabletop is sufficient.
Photos are permitted as long as:
- It is not deemed offensive or inappropriate (which includes images/photographs showing
invertebrate or vertebrate animals/humans in surgical, necrotizing or dissection situations)
by the Scientific Review Committee, the Display and Safety Committee, or TCRSF.
- It is a photograph or visual depiction of the student.
- It is a photograph or visual depiction for which a signed consent form is at the project or in the booth.
Display of photographs other than that of the finalist must have a photo release signed by the subject,
and if under 18 years of age, also by the guardian of the subject.
Sample consent text: “I consent to the use of visual images (photos, videos, etc.) involving my
participation/my child’s participation in this research.”
- Students using audio-visual or multi-media presentations (for example, 35mm slides; videotapes; images, graphics, animations, video files,
etc., displayed on computer monitors; or other non-print presentation methods)
must be prepared to show the entire presentation to the Display and Safety inspectors,
the SRC, or other TCRSF officials before the exhibit is approved for competition.