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TCRSF Project Exhibit

TCRSF follows the ISEF Display and Safety Regulations.

Items not allowed at a project display are also not allowed in the PDF document or video created for virtual judging.

Maximum size:

     Depth (front to back): 30 inches or 76 centimeters
     Width (side to side): 48 inches or 122 centimeters
     Height (floor to top): 108 inches or 274 centimeters;     
   The tables provided at a science fair are not to exceed a height of 36 inches (91 centimeters), therefore displays designed to be set on the table cannot exceed 72 inches (183 centimeters).
     All parts of the entire display, support structures, models, reference materials and additional project or display equipment at the fair must fit within the maximum size. The display must be designed to be read from the front – which is the 48 inch width dimension. (Displays must not require the viewer or judge to view around the corner, the side, or the back of the display, whether it is on the floor or set on a table. If you have questions, ASK before you build a unique exhibit design. Send your questions in an email including your name & grade in school to director@tcrsf.net) All parts of the display must be free standing and stable – able to be set on the table or floor. Exhibits requesting floor space may not use their own table tops unless the entire table fits within the maximum width and depth. Any project with a component that will be demonstrated by the student(s) must be demonstrated only within the confines of the student’s exhibit space. When not being demonstrated, the component plus the project must not exceed the maximum size dimensions for a project. Consider using video clips and/or photos to demonstrate what does not fit on your table-top of the exhibit.

To be included in the Project Exhibit:

  1. Project title
  3. Problem or Objective
  4. Hypothesis
  5. Methods & Procedures
  6. Results (It is helpful to include photos, graphs, data analysis including some sample calculations, error analysis – and an understanding of possible sources of error)
  7. Conclusions (including whether or not the hypothesis was supported by the results)
  8. Why is this work important or what problem does it solve?
  9. Future work proposed if you were to continue working on the project – What would be the next steps.
  10. A set of all forms which are required for the project or for Scientific Review Committee approval. They should not be displayed, but must be available at your exhibit in case asked for by a judge or other fair official.
  11. Your data logs, lab notebooks, science fair journals, and any other photos or records of correspondence for your project (mandatory)
  12. A copy of your research paper (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
  13. MUST DISPLAY VERTICALLY a copy of the Form 1C if required for your project (both pages)
  14. MUST DISPLAY VERTICALLY a copy of the Form 7 Continuation form if required for your project
  15. All photographs, images, charts, graphs, and tables must be credited. Note: Images used as backgrounds must also be credited

         Each must have a credit line of origin (“Photograph taken by...,”or “Image taken from...,” or “Graph/Chart/Table taken from. . . .”). If it is from a magazine, newspaper, journal, etc., a complete reference credit line must be attached for each one. If a graph, chart or table is from the Internet, a complete URL and date accessed must be included for each one. “Google search” or “Wikipedia” are not sufficient credit references. If all photographs, etc. are from the same source, one credit prominently and vertically displayed is sufficient. If all images, photos, graphs, and charts being displayed were taken or created by the finalist or are from the same source, one credit line prominently and vertically displayed on the backboard/poster or tabletop is sufficient.

         Photos are permitted as long as:
    1. It is not deemed offensive or inappropriate (which includes images/photographs showing invertebrate or vertebrate animals/humans in surgical, necrotizing or dissection situations) by the Scientific Review Committee, the Display and Safety Committee, or TCRSF.
    2. It is a photograph or visual depiction of the student.
    3. It is a photograph or visual depiction for which a signed consent form is at the project or in the booth. Display of photographs other than that of the finalist must have a photo release signed by the subject, and if under 18 years of age, also by the guardian of the subject. Sample consent text: “I consent to the use of visual images (photos, videos, etc.) involving my participation/my child’s participation in this research.”
    4. Students using audio-visual or multi-media presentations (for example, 35mm slides; videotapes; images, graphics, animations, video files, etc., displayed on computer monitors; or other non-print presentation methods) must be prepared to show the entire presentation to the Display and Safety inspectors, the SRC, or other TCRSF officials before the exhibit is approved for competition.
  16. Photocopies of the student abstract available to give to each judge (optional)
  17. All electrical connectors, wiring, switches, extension cords, fuses, etc. must be UL/CSA-listed and must be appropriate for the load and equipment, and must be approved by TCRSF’s master electrician. Connections must be soldered or made with UL/CSA-listed connectors. Wiring, switches, and metal parts must have adequate insulation and over-current safety devices (such as fuses) and must be inaccessible to anyone other than the student. Exposed electrical equipment or metal that possibly may be energized must be shielded with a non-conducting material or with a grounded metal box to prevent accidental contact.
  18. All lighting used for decoration or illumination must be UL/CSA approved, and must be approved by TCRSF’s master electrician. Lamp wattage must not exceed ratings. Lighting must not pose risk of injury if touched. International competition no longer allows decorative lighting.
  19. There must be an accessible, clearly visible on/off switch or other means of quickly disconnecting from the 120 Volt power source.
  20. See ISEF’s Display and Safety Regulations regarding (hyperlink at the top of this page) use of Laser’s – permitted only by TCRSF’s board approval subject to ISEF’s standards.

Items/Materials Not Allowed at Project (Please use photos and videos to demonstrate the experiment or operation of equipment rather than showing live demonstrations or displaying items not permitted at the project exhibit during the fair.)

  1. Awards, medals, business cards, flags, logos, CDs, DVDs, Flash Drives, brochures, booklets, nor endorsements, give-away items (pens, key chains, etc.), and/or acknowledgments (graphic or written). (Exceptions: Flash drives, CDs, DVDs that are an integral part of the project and used for judging only with prior approval given during inspection)
  2. Postal addresses, World Wide Web, e-mail and/or social media addresses, QR codes, telephone, and/or fax numbers of a student
  3. Active Internet or e-mail connections as part of displaying or operating the project
  4. Prior years’ written material or visual depictions on the vertical display board. [Exception: the project title displayed in the finalist’s booth may mention years or which year the project is (for example, “Year Two of an Ongoing Study”)]. Continuation projects must have the Continuation Project Form (7) vertically displayed.
  5. Living organisms, including plants
  6. Soil, sand, rock, and/or waste samples, even if permanently encased in a slab of acrylic
  7. Taxidermy specimens or parts
  8. Preserved vertebrate or invertebrate animals
  9. Human or animal food or beverage (Only a capped bottle of drinking water is permitted.)
  10. Human/animal parts or body fluids (for example, blood, urine)
  11. Plant materials (living, dead, or preserved) that are in their raw, unprocessed, or non-manufactured state (Exception: manufactured construction materials used in building the project or display)
  12. All chemicals including water (Projects may not use water in any form in a demonstration)
  13. All hazardous substances or devices (for example, poisons, drugs, firearms, weapons, ammunition, reloading devices, and lasers)
  14. Dry ice or other sublimating solids
  15. Sharp items (for example, syringes, needles, pipettes, knives)
  16. Flames or highly flammable materials
  17. Batteries with open-top cells
  18. Glass or glass objects unless deemed by the Display and Safety Committee to be an integral and necessary part of the project (for example, glass that is an integral part of a commercial product such as a computer screen). Fish tanks and glassware are NOT integral to the exhibit. SHOW PHOTOS of your equipment and experiments instead.
  19. Any apparatus deemed unsafe by the Scientific Review Committee, the Display and Safety Committee, or TCRSF (for example, large vacuum tubes or dangerous ray-generating devices, empty tanks that previously contained combustible liquids or gases, pressurized tanks, etc.)
  20. Wet cells shall not be used because of the hazardous chemicals involved
  21. No equipment generating heat (unless completely shielded)

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